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Escape Alive has partnered with GoGuarded to offer unique tools for Personal Safety


The Escape Alive- Survival Skills® program teaches that you are your first line of defense. When you come face to face with a threat you will have seconds to react. As is seen in numerous real-life videos it is rare that someone will come to your aid at the initial onset of a dangerous situation, if they intervene at all. There are many logical reasons for this that are addressed in our classes, but it is a fact. And even though we are thankful and supportive of our men and women in blue, even the most courageous and dedicated police departments can not have an officer everywhere all the time.

Your best chance to escape once a threat is unavoidable is to be prepared. First and foremost keep yourself physically fit to the best of your ability. We can't all be MMA fighters or experts in Martial Arts, and we may not be able to run a 20 yard dash, but do your best to stay in shape. And, if possible, explore joining a Martial Art or combat sport of some sort. The experience of being put in uncomfortable physical situations and heightened adrenaline situations will better prepare you for that worst case scenario we all hope never happens.

Since Drew Serrano founded the Escape Alive- Survival Skills® program in 1996 he has searched for a line of self-defense products that could be used by everyday people to supplement their physical training. From pepper spray to knives to guns and everywhere in between, there are many options on the market. We were looking for self-defense tools that would fulfill the following: 1) They must be economical, 2) They must be easy to carry and easy to use with minimal training, 3) They must be easy to acquire, 4) They can be used non-lethally.

The GoGuarded® line of self-defense tools fits everything we were looking for and more. They are meant to give an advantage to good, law-abiding people who find themselves confronted with evil wanting to do them, or their family, harm. 

We invite you to explore the GoGuarded line of self-defense tools. The below videos show our recommendations and possible scenarios where the tools can be used to help enable your escape. If you decide GoGuarded is right for you use code "EscapeAlive" and receive 10% off your order. Stay safe.

The GoGuarded®


The GoGuarded®



The GoGuarded®

Hand Held


The GoGuarded®

Hand Held w/Spray


© 2015-2025 by East Coast Training Systems llc

Escape Alive Survival Skills | Connecticut | 203-410-9222 |

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