Self-Defense Tools for Anyone! Easy to use and Cost Effective!
East Coast Training Systems™ and the Escape Alive® program- Since 1996 East Coast Training Systems LLC has worked with individuals and companies to help people be better prepared to defend themselves and those they love. Violent crimes can happen anywhere and at anytime. The Escape Alive- Survival Skills® program gives you a chance to escape and avoid becoming a statistic. Personal Safety begins with YOU!
Jane Doe No More®- Jane Doe No More is a not for profit organization, born out of the experience of founder and president Donna Palomba, a sexual assault survivor. Since its inception in 2007, Jane Doe No More has been improving the way society responds to victims of sexual assault through education, awareness, advocacy and support. Jane Doe No More initiatives include:
Presentations on college campuses to educate students, aid in breaking the stigmas, and ending the silence
Enhanced training for law enforcement and first-responders to minimize re-victimization
Professional development for survivors through the Survivors Speak Outreach Program
Empowering women and girls through the Escape Alive Survival Skills® program

A Common Vision- Since 2009, Jane Doe No More and East Coast Training Systems LLC have been working together to reach more women from all walks of life; to educate them in the prevention of sexual assault and the support services available after an incident. This common vision has enabled both organizations to further their goals of empowering women of all ages. As of 2017, Escape Alive in partnership with Jane Doe No More has reached over 3500 women and girls in over 120 classes since 2009.